
torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015

Se on uusi vuosi sitten! - So It Is Year 2015!

Tein tribuutti (vai voiko noin sanoa?) boxin rakkaimmalle harrastukselleni, lukemiselle. Opin lukemaan 4-vuotiaana ja sen jälkeen se oli menoa. Näen kaikki kirjat elokuvina mielessäni, joten lukeminen on minulle erittäin visuaalinen kokemus. Löysin Kasvihuoneilmiöstä laatikon, joka näyttää kirjalta. - I made a tribute box to my dearest hobby, reading. Yes, it might even surpass miniatures. I learned to read, when I was 4, and never have stopped after that. I see the books as a film in my head, so reading is a very visual experience to me. I found the box, looking like a children's book, and thought it would be a perfect little box for this.

Loistavaa mineilyvuotta 2015 kaikille! Ja kiitos kaikille kommentoijille ja katsojille, olette mahtavia.- Have a marvellous miniature year 2015 everyone! Thank you all, who have visited my blog and left a comment, you are awesome.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely box, the decorations fit it perfectly :D

  2. Happy New Year! What a lovely box - and I really like the look outside the window... ;O)


  3. What a wonderful tribute, Sanne, thank you for sharing this idea :D
    My very best wishes to you and your family for 2015!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  4. I love your box scene it is beautiful. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.
    Hugs Maria

  5. What an adorable roombox, Sanne! I love the colors and vintage style you've used. How beautiful and fun! xo Jennifer
