Lopultakin jotain edistystä Onnelin ja Annelin talossa. Alakerran lattiat maalattu ja tapetit pinnoitettu. - At last some progress with the Greenleaf house. Floors painted and wallpapers prepared for mounting.
Keittiö - Kitchen
Olohuone - living room
Siluettikuvien leikkaaminen on rentouttavaa puuhaa. - It's relaxing to cut silhouettes.
H.C. Andersen oli taitava leikkaamaan paperia. Samalla kun leikkasi, hän kertoi leikkaamaansa kuvaan liittyvän sadun. Hän lahjoitti leikkaamiaan töitä sukulaisille ja tutuille. Löysin aiheesta kirjan. Siluettikuvassa itse satusetä. - H.C.Andersen was talented with scissors. While telling a tale he cut a picture about the story he was telling. He then gave the works to his friends and relatives as gifts. I found a book about his papercuttings. Andersen himself in the silhouette.
Your floor and wallpaper look great! I'm looking forward to seeing them in your house--yay! The info re: Hans Christian Andersen is really interesting. I didn't know he made papercuttings. You always have fun things on your blog! :-)